Next, I tuned into hulu for some bad TV and picked up the knitting (and another glass of wine). I have made great progress on the sweater-vest of doom. The back is complete and
I am up to the v-neck split of the front. As I watched TV, I knit up the left side and was approximately three inches from the shoulder. Now the great thing about knitting tipsy, is that the time flies. The bad thing is the confusing directions that rely heavily on counting, and multiples of seven plus two, become extra confusing. The really great thing about knitting tipsy, is that when you realize you have to rip out an hour and a half's work because it said every-other row, seven times, not every seventh row twice, you don't really care, because it was still really fun.
I just realized as I reached the end of this post, that I have a gallon of wine brewing in my basement that I haven't tended in months. Look forward to that next time!